Repair service for jewellery and watches

Every piece of jewellery is an emotion and many of them represent something significant and important to the person wearing them.
Jewellery is an accessory to be treated with care but, despite special care, it can be prone to breakage or loss of some of its components.
In this case, you can go to one of our points of sale to request a repair service for your jewel.
Our experts will evaluate the jewel and will tell you if it can be repaired and the relative cost.
In our stores we not only repair jewellery but also offer the same service for watches.
In our stores we not only repair jewellery but also offer the same service for watches. We also provide a repair service for your watches, we will assess the possibility of repair and give you a detailed quote for the price.
Don't miss the chance to let your favourite accessory shine and wear it whenever you want.
Register and get your Fidelity Card to get benefits on services too!


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