Used gold collection

Rely on our used gold collection service. You can choose between buying a trendy accessory or receiving the corresponding amount in cash.
Many of us have bought or received a piece of jewellery as a gift, but after some time it has not been to our liking.
In the D'Amante stores you can find the best solution for you.
If you have a piece of gold jewellery, with or without stones, you can decide to replace it with a new piece of gold, diamond or silver jewellery that is contemporary in style or simply more suitable for you.
We take back your used gold jewellery and make our assortment available so that you can consider replacing it with the accessory of your choice!
If you do not want to replace your gold jewellery, we offer you the possibility, after a careful and professional evaluation, to receive a cash sum equal to the price of the evaluation of your jewellery.
Qualunque sia la tua preferenza, ti aspettiamo in store per offrirti la soluzione migliore in base alle tue esigenze.
Don't keep your gold in a safe, choose to wear it differently!
*Please note that the price of gold is set by the market and therefore varies continuously according to universally established criteria.


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